Monday, February 1, 2010

Review for Exam I Posted

  1. Exam 1 will be from 1 - 3:50 pm on Tuesday February 9th (Room 309)
  2. Exam Review Guide Posted Here (I may add to this so check back)
  3. Keep up with your soil temperature readings.

    Soil Texture Lab

    Lab for Tuesday February 2nd.
    1. Laboratory Exercise Handout
    2. Flash Animation Explaining use of Soil Texture Triangle
    Also confirmed dates for fieldtrips include:
    1. 3/16 COWEETA - will need to leave at noon.
    2. 4/6 Haywood Waterways Association (normal laboratory time)
    3. 4/12 and 4/13 Boone (Dr. Jim Hamilton) overnight will depart afternoon of 4/12 TBA
    4. 4/20 Kent Clary - local NRCS office (overview and Arc Map version of WSS) 
    5. 4/27 John Calabria - LID NCSU (based out of NC Arboretum