Sunday, April 11, 2010

Soil Report Update - for final notebook grade

In addition to the brief in-class soil report about your on-campus soil sites (Johnny, Jeremy, and Austin have already gone), you will all be expected to have the following based on your management sites (or approved alternative) in your notebooks for the final notebook grade. Anything above and beyond the minimum will help you achieve a higher grade.

Minimum requirements:
  1. Map with soil phases shown. (more maps are always better)
  2. Printed copy of your site-specific analysis from NC State
  3. Finalized amendment rates (if suggested on reports) for at least one location at your management site. Amendment rates should be adjusted for the amount of area you are managing.
  4. A description of how soil analysis results will impact the management plan for your site. Summarize the management goals of your site and integrate soil management practice recommendations (could include fertilization, liming, road building, conservation areas, etc.

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