Last week, (4-12) lab was canceled due to the mandatory awards ceremony at 1:00. The Haywood waterways tour has been rescheduled to this week (4-19). Your Lab practical will still be distributed this week (4-19). On Apr. 26, we have lab to make up for the 12th and return to Harmon Den for the biological portion of the stream assessment. May 3 will still be the trip to Coweeta hydrological station. We will leave promptly from the student services parking lot at 12:45. Both lab sections will attend and we will return no later that 6:00. This will be our last lab meeting and your lab practical will be due before we depart for Coweeta on May 3.
Quick note on the lab practical, you will have two weeks to complete it and you can expect at least one question from each lab exercise. You will be expected to do your own work and demonstrate that you have gained practical knowledge from the exercises. You will have two weeks and you can use any notes, handouts etc. from the labs or other available resources, so be prepared for questions related to anything we did in lab. The lab practical will be worth 100 of your 300 "Final Exam" points.
Almost there guys, keep up the good work!
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